The Nature Narratives Story
I often sit in my studio for many hours making music, teaching voice and piano lessons, and keeping up with clients. When I was living in Chicago, one day I looked out my 3rd story window at a roof with snow from the night before.
As the day wore on, the sun worked its magic melting the snow until the roof was one big sheet of swirling steam rising up to the sky! I was in awe.
What an amazing adventure that water is on! I put that adventure into words, recorded myself right there in the studio, and added music. Nature Narratives was born!
From there, I got invaluable feedback from my then fiancé now wife, Eva (M.Ed. UIC at Chicago, Montessori Certified), who is an incredibly gifted and devoted elementary school teacher.
We now both live in Los Angeles. I continue to score a wide variety of projects, direct my church choir, and sing in the studios. Eva teaches at a Montessori elementary school. Together, we make Nature Narratives.
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